Thursday 2 March 2017

Department of Finance ‘changing the game’ one loaf at a time

james price aero financial
Stars of the Department of Finance recruitment video, which has ensured ‘paleo pear and banana bread’ passes into the annals of bad advertising immortality.

All it took was one graduate recruitment video and an order of “paleo pear and banana bread” to transform the image of the Department of Finance forever.

Thanks to an unintentionally hilarious recruitment video, the government department is now regarded as not just a dull place to work — but also a place to be mercilessly derided.

Such was the reaction to “The Game Changers”, an online video launched to publicist the department’s 2018 graduate recruitment program.

In terms of gaining publicity, the department has played a blinder. The opening shot swoops over the department’s atrium at 1 Canberra Avenue.

Claire, a young graduate ­employee, tells some colleagues: “Hey guys, I am just heading downstairs for my paleo pear and banana bread. Would you like to join me?”

The offer is declined as being “a little bit fancy for me”, by one colleague, who responds that she is “off to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff network meeting”.

In other storylines:

Excitement builds about that night’s young leaders’ network dinner. Tom couldn’t make the graduate run-through meeting at lunchtime but Skyped in.

First assistant secretary Teena Blewitt tells Dane she wants to recruit Jenna for the budget surge team.

For More Information:- THE NATION


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